An initiative of Horse Sport Ireland

Goresbridge Go For Gold Sale 2014

General October 29, 2014

By Sally Parkyn

The RDS potential event horse champion Annsfort Quality and the Camphire International Masterclass champion Cushlas Skyimp, are among the tempting entries at this year’s Goresbridge Go For Gold Sale on November 12th.

These and a further sixty high class horses fill an exciting catalogue, which offers Ireland’s best young horses from three to seven-years old.

Click here to view the full 2014 catalogue.

Now in its fifth year, the Go For Gold sale was the first of its kind in Ireland and much to the delight of the organisers, it attracts a wealth of international buyers and riders each year.

It has realised figures that have smashed Irish auction returns on each occasion since its inception, yet has also produced super stars at extremely good value.

Most importantly, its graduates have already progressed to gain international and national recognition, with the CCI*** winner Copper Beech leading the way. Others have represented their countries at the Asian Games, at the World Young Horse Championships at Le Lion d’Angers 2012/2013 and 2014, and at numerous international events throughout the world.


  • In last weekend’s showcase at Le Lion d’Angers, Go For Gold graduate Cooley SRS was the highest placed Irish bred seven-year-old, while Italian based representative Castlerichmond SRS shone in the younger sector.
  • All entries undergo a stringent veterinary examinations and x rays, overseen by Irish event team vet Hugh Suffern.
  • The selection panel comprises of Sally Parkyn, Chris Ryan and Clare Ryan, together with guest selectors and international riders Geoff Curran, Ciaran Glynn, Michael Ryan and Sam Watson.
  • The selection was narrowed down from 350 to 63.
  • The venue is again at Barnadown, Co Wexford.
  • Three all weather competition arenas.
  • A championship grass arena.
  • An all-weather cross-country course.
  • Ample permanent stabling.
  • The evening auction will be staged five minutes down the road at the Amber Springs Hotel, an award winning four-star hotel and spa, where the auction will take place during a Gala Dinner.

Click here to view the full 2014 catalogue.

 Click here to view the Gorsebridge Go For Gold Sale video


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